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Register by March 6th. 

Past Events

Clarion River Clean-Up


The District celebrated  DCNR's recognition of the Clarion River as 2019 River of the Year by organizing a clean-up day on September 7th on a 15-mile stretch from Clarington to the Gravel Lick boat launch.  Part of the event was funded by a $500 grant from DCNR.  Donations ranged from food and prizes to free canoes for the day and transportation.  Suzanne Reinsel, an environmental educator at Clear Creek State Park provided an after-float program on the ecological history of the Clarion River and management strategies of the Bureau of Parks.  


40 volunteers donated their time for the clean-up, including Back Country Hunters and Anglers, CUP students and people who visit the area regularly and value the natural beauty of the Clarion River.  

Thanks to all our sponsors and everyone who helped make the day a huge success!  

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